April Affirmations – New Month & New Beginnings

First of all, we want to thank everyone who participated in our group distant Reiki session yesterday.

We hope everyone feels energized and renewed for the month ahead. Our next distant session is scheduled for the end of April – if you would like to join us sign up HERE 🙂

New Month & New Beginnings

April is here and we can’t wait for full blooming spring. April is a beautiful month because we start to see the weather shift, the sun comes out, and the flowers start to grow. We were thinking about this idea of renewal and growth. So- we challenge you to make April an opportunity to start fresh and start working towards goals & achievements you have been putting off. Make this your month of renewal and growth. Think of April as a clean slate. For example, if your New Year’s resolution was to go to the gym every day and it hasn’t been happening – reset that resolution and start doing it now!

Make April the month that is full of good vibes and positive changes.

Set an intention that this month will be great. Intention setting is so important. We try to set an intention every day, every morning. Why? Well, you create your reality. You decide the kind of day, week, month, and year you will have. That being said, lets set our intention now for a productive and joy-filled month.

Here is a list of affirmations to help inspire and cultivate awesome energy around the month ahead.

April Affirmations

1. My past is not a reflection of my future. 

Let go of any energy you may be carrying with you from the past that is holding you back. As we always say, you are not your mistakes. Stop worrying about what you could or should have done and shift your focus back to the now, to what you can control. April is a new month full of fresh starts. Erase the board and start over. What matters is the you now. You can’t change the past but you can change your future.

2. Starting now I choose to be in control.

Often we move through life just going through the motions and reacting to what life throws at us. Take control of your life now. Don’t wait for someone else to decide you are worthy of anything that you want to do. Create a vision of who you want to be and today start making yourself that person. The only limits we have in our lives are the ones we put on ourselves. Stop waiting and be in control of yourself. You are the only one who knows what you want, how you feel and where you want to be.

3. Today I choose to approve of myself & love myself deeply.

Life-changing positive growth starts first with loving yourself. Start loving yourself and every action you take will begin to be for your highest good. It’s amazing what you can do when you love who you are. When you love yourself you do what makes you happy, surround yourself with positivity, do things because you want to, and draw the line when things no longer serve you. All of this mixed together is a recipe for your dream life. SO, if you aren’t sure where to start, always start with unconditionally loving yourself today.

4. I surround myself with positivity. 

We just mentioned this concept above, but this is a good one. Surround yourself with things that are for your greater good. This means to put yourself in positive situations and surround yourself with people who lift you up, not drag you down. Know when to say “no” and take every positive opportunity that comes your way.

5. Actually, I can.

I’m not sure if this counts as an affirmation, though in our world it does. It is simple yet powerful. Today we live in a society that constantly sends us messages that we are not good enough, unworthy, or unable. You are enough, you are worthy, and you CAN have anything you want in this life. You set the standards for yourself. Stop doubting yourself and your abilities. Analyze limiting beliefs and get to the root of where they are coming from.  Stop letting other people (excuse me) make you feel like SHIT all of the time. Release any energy that is holding you back. Let go of any negativity telling that you can’t. AND when there is any moment of self-doubt remind yourself that “Actually, I can”.

For more Self-Love download our FREE e-book HERE.


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