April 5th New Moon Reiki & Donation Based Sessions

Happy New Moon!

It’s finally April 5th! Today’s New Moon is now in Aries.  This is one of the most intense New Moon shifts so far in 2019. This new moon is essentially a fresh start energetic wise and provides a great opportunity for new beginnings. Tune into what you really want. Mediate and ask for guidance. Now is a great time to move forward on your journey. Take massive action, start new projects, and move forward.

We made a special April 5th New Moon Reiki healing meditation to help find balance with the new energy. We made it with the intention to assist in growth, renewal, and new beginnings.

We recommend getting in a comfy spot and meditating while the video plays. Simply relax and be open to receiving the energy. (For a quick step by step instructions on how to meditate- go here).  You may also play this video in the background – out loud or silent if you are unable to meditate. You will still receive the Reiki healing energy. 🙂

NEW Donation Based Distant Reiki Sessions

We are super excited to launch our new donation based Reiki sessions. We believe that Reiki is for everyone and we want are Reiki to be available if you need it. Payment is not required but greatly appreciated.

Well-Being Reiki Distant Session – Donation Based


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