Things To Always Remember

What Happened

As we go through life sh*t happens and it is easy to take it all in without ever even noticing. It seeps into our fibers without an invitation or welcome sign. One thing after another, experience after experience.  Sometimes it is good and what we gain is a sense of fulfillment and understanding of the growth we have received. Yet other times, we can take on the expectations, opinions, and energy of those around us. We look at the past believing it will show us our future. All of it blending with our own thoughts and feelings making us forget who we truly are, making us forget the amazing things each one of us is capable of.

The Reminder

This post is a reminder to release and let go of all those moments, those negative times we have allowed to control us for far too long. It is a reminder that you are in control. You define yourself, not others. You craft your future. You decide what roads you want to take. Nothing changes these facts.

Your Power

So, step back with me. Connect with yourself and your power. Feel your energy, feel your true self. Now, feeling you it is time to release everything that isn’t you or yours to carry. This includes past mistakes, the opinion of others, self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and any other perceived sense of lack. Because you lack nothing. You are a magnificent being here for a purpose and with love. The odds of you being here were so slim, yet here you are.  Here at this point in time, release everything telling you that you don’t matter or you will never be enough. You are enough. Always were and always will be.

etta arlene quote

People will often try to project characteristics or traits onto you. These projections come from how they interpret the world. Negative projections can even be their own perceived flaws being cast onto you. Ultimately, none of it matters. We are so often taught to care about what others think. What others think does not define who you really and truly are. People can think all they want, but it doesn’t make it true.

etta arlene motivation quote

You are limitless. It is true. Any limitations are just things you are telling yourself or absorbing from others. Just because someone else doesn’t believe they can achieve something doesn’t mean you have to believe the same thing. When we talk about limitations, understand there is always a way. Rise above what you understand as holding you back. Shifting from “I can’t” to “I will find a way” is a game-changer.

etta arlene not your past

We say this all of the time. YOU ARE NOT YOUR PAST. Our pasts are beautiful parts of our evolution, shaping us into the person we are today. Yet, the past tells us nothing about our future. You decide your future and you do it in the moment, not in yesterday.

not your mistakes etta arlene

This is another one we say all of the time on our blog. Our mistakes are tools to help us learn. They serve only educational purposes and nothing more. They do not decide who were are, they decide the type of soul we evolve into. Every event in our lives gives us an option in how we react and what we do with what has occurred. A mistake is not you. Often it is those perceived mistakes that guide us to the road we need to be on. Accept what has happened, release it as your past, express gratitude for what you have learned, and know only you define you.

you can quote

Ever had an amazing idea? Then you get a voice telling you it’s not going to work? You really want to do it. You think it will change your life for the better. But, you are afraid and the voice is persistent. If you absolutely want to do something, do it. Instead of making lists in your head of all the reasons you can’t, just tell the voice to ‘shut up’ and go all in. You can do anything you want to do. You will never know the results of something unless you try.
