10 Benefits of Guided Meditation

Meditation is awesome. There are many different types of meditation styles, like thousands. When you first get into meditation we recommend branching out and learning about different styles. For example, did you know you can meditate in motion? Some people like to speak mantras when they meditate. Others focus primarily on breathing.  No matter what style of meditation you adopt they are all extremely beneficial. Today we are focusing on guided meditation.

So, what is guided meditation? 

Guided meditation is when you have an individual leading you through your meditation journey. It often combines breathing and mindfulness techniques as well as visualization. Visualization is when your guided meditation practitioner asks you to create a mental picture in your head to aid in your meditation session. Often it is a tool to help facilitate you into relaxing and shift your focus away from any busy thoughts.

Guided meditation is great for people just starting out in meditation or for those who have a busy mind. When you have a busy mind guided meditation calms it by essentially giving it a job to do.

What are the benefits of Guided Meditation?

  1. Easily calms your mind. – This is a huge reason why people love guided meditation. Often it can be hard to let go of anxieties and stress of the day. With a meditation guide, they will take your brain on a journey and facilitate you into clearing your thoughts.
  2. Nice for groups. – Guided meditations are fun to do with others. It helps you feel a connection in a shared moment. It also allows for discussion with one another when applicable. Sometimes meditation can stir up emotions and it’s nice to have a friend for support.
  3. Get in the “zone” fast.- Since your meditation starts as soon as the practitioner begins it will force you to shift your focus away from stressful thought and to your meditation session.
  4. Variety of guided meditation topics. – Meditation can help you work through things or get a clear picture on the things that you want. With guided meditation, it can be tailored to fit topics one may want to meditate more on. For example, you can do a guided meditation on self-love or even manifesting goals. It will help to get you in a space to tackle the things you are trying to get accomplish.
  5. Boost relaxation and sleep. – Guided meditation for relaxation or sleep will help you clear your mind easily and get into a space of comfort and rest.
  6. Facilitates letting go. – With someone guiding you through what to do you are able to let go and not worry about how your meditation is going to go, how much time has passed and helps you release feelings of control. Since your time is scheduled with the practitioner it is easy to release any anxiety around time and truly feel like the only thing that matters is the moment.
  7. Great for newbies. – With a guide, you are able to learn how to meditate easily.
  8. Enhances self-awareness. – Your guide will ask you to feel your body, focus on your breathing, and go into the depths of your mind. You are focusing on you and this will help boost your awareness of your body and of what is truly going on in your mind.
  9. Helps with clarity. – Depending on the type of guided meditation you are doing it can help create a sense of clarity and sort out the thoughts in your busy head.
  10. Lengthened attention span. – Meditation can help one stay focused longer and regular meditation can help release habits of worrying, poor attention span, and mind wondering.

Want to try a guided meditation our for yourself? Below is a guided meditation for relaxation and to facilitate in creating mental clarity centered around your goals.  It will help you to visualize and manifest your desires. We believe that it is important to spend time visualizing your goals to help you get clear on what you want in this life. Use this meditation as your time to focus on the things that you would like to achieve. Think about what you truly want. Visualize having it. How would it feel if you achieved it? In this meditation, feel and know that what you desire is already yours.

Affirmation: Everyday I am moving towards my best life.

What to do: Sit in a comfortable position or lay down. Breathe in and out slowly focusing on your breath. You may also focus on my voice. Allow any thoughts you may have to present themselves and then gently let them go. If you have a busy mind, you may use the affirmation above as a mantra to help you stay in the present. Just repeat it to yourself as needed. When prompted visualize your desires and allow yourself to feel them as yours.

We hope you enjoyed your meditation. For more details about meditation check out our meditation page.

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