The Heart Chakra: How to Tell If It’s Blockes & How to Fix It

The heart chakra is associated with affection, love, and compassion.  It is located in the center of the chest and connects the lower and upper chakras.  It is motivated by love and represents the love that moves through your life. This covers love in all forms, unconditional love of self and others.  It enables you to walk through life with understanding, kindness, and compassion with yourself and the world around you. When your heart chakra is balanced it helps you see everyone and the planet itself as interconnected.

Signs the Heart Chakra is Imbalanced or Blocked

1. Value of the self. The heart chakra is all about self-love. Imbalances may cause difficulties in appreciating your self, recognizing your worth, neglecting self-care.
2. Lack of Empathy. When your heart chakra is blocked you may have a difficult time feeling connected with others and the world around you.
3. Unforgiving. Love is a key trait for the heart chakra. When we practice forgiveness we are practicing love.
4. Critical of yourself & others. You may find it difficult to see the good in yourself and others. When your heart chakra is imbalanced you may have a difficult time with self-love.
5. Loss of Identity. Your self-love is affected when there are issues with the heart chakra. This may lead to loss of loving your own uniqueness and harnessing those qualities. It can also cause feelings around loss in identity.

 Ways to Balance Your Heart Chakra

1. Reiki. This is a wonderful healing practice that can help balance your chakras. Above is a Reiki video for the heart chakra. All you need to do is play the video and be open to receiving the energy. You may play the video with or without audio.
2. Ge gentle with yourself and others. Remind yourself that you, as well as others, are doing the best they can. When you feel negative emotions or the need to be critical take a moment and think about why you are feeling the way you feel. Practice forgiveness.
3. Help people and animals. By helping others you spread an energy of love and work on connection.
4. Spend time with nature. Really enjoy the time you are spending in nature. Take a moment and really admire the world around you.
5. Yoga
6. Meditate: While meditating focus on your heart chakra and imagine a green glow in the center of your chest. Feel the warmth of the energy and meditate on this for several minutes or until you intuitively feel you are done.
7. Affirmations: Affirmations can be used on their own as well as with meditating. “I deeply & completely love & accept myself.” or “I am open to love.”
8. Crystals: Rose Quartz
9. Essential Oils: Geranium, Lime, Rose, or Spearmint are great oils to worth with when balancing the heart chakra.
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