The Throat Chakra: How to Tell If It Is Blocks & How to Fix It

Today we are talking about the throat chakra. The throat chakra is about expression and truths. It is beyond just speaking your truths, it involves creative aspects as well and how you express yourself. So, if you are an artist – your truths can be shown via your work. That is why a great way to help your throat chakra is to do creative things, whether it be art, writing, music, or daydreaming.  A balanced throat chakra will help you with the ability to be inspired, share ideas, and align with your dreams and goals. Key characteristics are truth, communication, integrity, creativity, and expression.

Signs Your Throat Chakra is Imbalanced or Blocked:

  1. Fear of speaking up. An imbalance in the throat chakra can sometimes make us feel shy or have a hard time speaking up. If we are often not speaking our truths or not speaking up for ourselves it can lead to issues with this chakra.
  2. Difficulty expressing thoughts. This chakra is about expression. If there is an imbalance it may be hard to speak what you are trying to say.
  3. Difficulty problem solving or creatively thinking. The third eye is about creativity. With an imbalance, you may find it difficult to come up with new ideas or think outside of the box. If you are an artist (crafter, writer, singer, etc) and you do not make time for this type of personal expression, it can cause an imbalance in this chakra.
  4. Social anxiety. When you have a hard time expressing yourself it may make you uncomfortable in social settings, feeling like “no one understands” may creep up.
  5. Overly critical. 
  6. Inability to listen. 
  7. Physically: sore throat, headaches, or dental issues.

How to Balance the Throat Chakra

  1. Reiki – Above is a Reiki healing video to help balance your throat chakra.
  2. Truth – Practice being true to who you are no matter what. Also, try to use your voice whenever you can, saying those things you want to say but are afraid to.  In addition, listen to the words you are saying and actively try to speak honestly.
  3. Expression & Creativity – Express yourself in creative ways, even if you are not an artist. Journal, sing along to music, dance – express yourself creatively on your terms. And if you are an official artist or the life DO YOUR ART no matter what, even if it is just for you. If you are a poet, write. If you sing, sing. If you create complex math problems that involve a shit ton of creative thinking to solve – so that. Like philosophy – guess what, that involves creativity too. This is such a big one. We are all creative beings.  Express yourself, your inner truths, the best way you know how and do it often.
  4. Meditation – Close your eyes and focus a light blue glow on your throat chakra (located on, you guessed it, your throat). Focus on that energy and glow imagining it healing that chakra. Do this for several minutes, until you intuitively are done. You may even ask a higher power to help facilitate you in healing this chakra.
  5. Affirmations – These may be used in conjunction with meditation if you would like as well as all throughout the day. “I nourish my creativity and expression.” & “I live an authentic life.”
  6. Crystals -Carry and/ or meditate with lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, celestite, or amazonite.
  7. Essential Oils – Cypress, rosemary, an peppermint are great oils to help the throat chakra.
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