Things to Know About Self-Love: 30 Day Affirmation Guide!

Things to Know ABout Self-Love is OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED!

We are super excited to announce that our official printed edition and e-book version of our book, Things to Know About Self-Love is available for sale.

This is a 30-day, easy to digest, guide with a focus on self-love. It is full of awesome affirmations and exercises to help you find your greatness.


Our book is currently for sale on Amazon, the e-book is Free with the purchase of the paperback!

Click here for more details 🙂


Self-Love Affirmations

In honor of the release of our book below is a list of our favorite self-love affirmations from our book Things to Know About Self-Love: 30 Day Affirmation Guide.

If you don’t know what affirmations are, they are statements designed to change your subconscious mind. They are a tool used to shift our mindset into a more positive one in order to promote positive outcomes in life.

To use affirmations say them to yourself all frequently until you know them as your personal truth.

At first, you may not believe the words you are speaking or thinking. BUT the more you say them, the more they become your reality. We create our lives and everything starts with a thought. Use affirmations to take control of your mind and your life today!

  1. I release negative self-talk. Pay attention to the way you speak to yourself. What are the words you use? Would you be friends with someone if they spoke to you how you speak to yourself? Start noticing things to admire about yourself. Replace any negative self-talk, anything that puts you down (even if it is a joke) with positive statements.
  2. I deserve all good things. You are already deserving of the life you want. All you have to do is go and get it. Often we wait around because we live this illusion that we do not deserve to be loved, happy, successful – whatever.  We put off things that we want waiting to fulfill some idea of enough. You are enough. You are worthy.  You already deserve all good things – now.
  3. I am radiant. This is one of those magical affirmations that we love. Use it often. If you remember any of these, remember you are radiant.
  4. I am loved. You are loved so much more than you may know. Start appreciating those people in your life who love you. Appreciate this vast universe and the abundance of the earth of which takes care of us. If you can’t find love from others, make it a priority to find it within yourself.
  5. I am focused on being true to myself. When you are true to yourself you will find happiness. When you are true to yourself you live life on your terms, no exception. Strive for this- love who you are and be true to yourself.

For more self-love affirmations check out our book

Things to Know About Self-Love: 30 Day Affirmation Guide.

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