How to Protect Your Energy for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

Being a highly sensitive person or an Empath can be tough. Empaths absorb the emotions and feelings of others. They can feel what other people are experiencing emotionally as if it is their own. For example, if an empath is around someone who is sad they may be struck with deep unexplainable sorrow because they are absorbing the emotions of the other person.  So, as you can tell this can probably get very stressful at times. In addition, Empaths seems to be a magnet for people with issues and lower vibrations. They know how you are feeling so people with problems are drawn to them, often as the only one who understands. That being said, it is very important to people who are sensitive in this way to protect themselves so that they do not constantly have to battle with the ups and downs of all of the emotions around them.

Am I an Empath?

If you are reading this it is safe to assume you identify as an Empath HOWEVER if you are curious about what an Empath is and what the signs of being one are, check out our blog post 5 Signs You are An Empath.

How to Protect Your Energy

Now, whether you identify as an empath or not it is important to protect your energy.  Protecting your energy means among other things, the idea that you are not letting outside things influence your vibration and happiness. It means that you are controlling your emotions and how you feel, not letting others. Below is a list of our favorite ways to protect our energy.

Affirmations – ok, so some people may not think of affirmations as a way to protect your energy but we think they do. They are also great to use as a tool to maintain our positive vibrations. What we think we create.  Our favorite affirmation for Empaths: “I treat myself lovingly, honoring my sensitivities, and letting go what is not mine to feel. “

Define & Set Boundaries in Relationships– Be in control of who you let into your life and who you spend time with. Being an empath means that you are taking on all of the good and the negative feelings of others. Energy is contagious. Be around people who make you feel good and lift you up. Take yourself out of negative and especially toxic situations. We aren’t saying don’t be there for people you love, we are saying know the difference between a friend and someone who is using your empathy to make themselves feel better.

Home and Work Boundaries – You spend the most time in these places. Make them as comfortable energetically as you can. Use things like crystals to protect your space and clear negative energy. Listen to sounds that calm you or healing music when you feel overloaded. Decide who you allow into your space.

Crystals – We mentioned crystals above, but not only can you keep them in your home or work you can also wear them on you. Here is a list of awesome Crystals for Empaths.

Meditation – By far one of our favorite ways to cope with being an empath. Do a grounding meditation when you are feeling really out of sorts. Meditate on feeling balanced and releasing any negative energies you are caring. You can combine affirmations and/or visualizations during your session. We suggest doing a meditation in the morning to strengthen your energy for the day and one at night to help clear anything you may have picked up throughout the day. For more information on the Benefits of Meditation click here. 

Visualization – Visualization is a powerful technique to protect your energy. There are many different ways to use visualization. A popular way is to take in a couple breathes to bring about calm. Picture a healing white light surrounding you and extending a couple of inches out around you. Envision is protecting you from intrusive, stressful, or negative situations.  This can be done during meditation as well as when you feel you need to shield your aura.

Reiki – Reiki, as well as other energy healing modalities, are a great way to help clear any emotional blocks you may have, balance chakras, cleanse the aura, and help ground. Reiki energy is amazing and is a great tool for Empaths to help cope with the emotions or energies one may feel as they go throughout their day. Below is a Reiki Energy Healing for Empaths. Simple relax and be open to receiving the energy 🙂

For more information on Reiki and for a FREE distant session Click HERE.

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