Motivation & Meditating

For this Monday Motivation, we are all about getting inspired and motivated. A great tool to help achieve this is meditation and positive affirmations. A positive affirmation is a statement that you say to yourself with a desired intention. All through the day, we say affirmations in our head or out loud. Have you ever made a mistake and said something along the lines of “Ugh, I am so stupid!”. That would be an example of an affirmation ( a negative affirmation). When you use positive affirmations you are taking control of the way you think and ultimately the way you perceive your reality. What you think you become. So, if you say negative things to yourself you will start believing that they are true (even if you say them when you are joking). The goal when using positive affirmations is to really feel and believe what you are saying in order to change your mindset in a positive way.

Affirmations are great to use all throughout the day. It is a really good practice to be aware of your self-talk and if you feel yourself saying or thinking something negative, counter that with a positive affirmation.  Affirmations are also awesome when used during meditation. You can use it as a personal mantra.

Today we are going to use a motivational affirmation and I have also included a meditation that uses this affirmation from below.

All day I would like you to think to yourself this affirmation:

“I am confident in my ability to create the life I desire”


This a particularly favorite affirmation for when I feel like things are chaotic and out of control. It helps to ground me and serves as a reminder that I am the one who is ultimately in control of my life. In addition, it motivates me to take action.  Action is required for anything you may want in this life. Knowing you have the power to shape your life into one you have always wanted will push you into going for it. Don’t wait for your dreams to happen. You have the power to make them happen now!

Meditating with Affirmations

Now, on to meditation. We meditate every day. It is seriously such a life-changing and transformative practice.  It makes you present and somehow you stop worrying so much about things you can’t control like the future (it hasn’t happened yet) or the past (what is done is done). Meditating is one of those things that can be hard at first but there are no right or wrong answers. All you have to do is get comfortable and breathe. Focus on your breath – that is all you need to do. If you feel your mind wondering just whisk those thoughts away and focus on your breath again. When you start meditating you can start with just a couple of minutes and then increase the time gradually as you get used to it.

A tool to use when meditating is a mantra. Say something to yourself over and over as you meditate. You can think things such as “thank you” or anything else LIKE a positive affirmation. So, to help you create a powerful motivational meditation, say the affirmation above over and over again in your head as you meditate.

Give it a try!

Below is a short meditation using the affirmation above. All you have to do is play it and the video will walk you through what to do. There is no voice over, so read along until it instructs you to close your eyes.

For more amazing affirmations and meditation, videos check out and their YouTube channel!

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