Top 5 Self-Love Affirmations

Self-Love is vital. Honestly, everything starts with loving yourself. You are perfect. You are awesome. You are uniquely you. Your power is that no one can ever be who you are, so be proud of that and start loving yourself!  If you ever feel like you are doubting your greatness remember your magic and try saying one (or all) of these affirmations.

Top 5 Self-Love Affirmations

  1. I let go of negative self-talk – Would you be friends with someone if they spoke to you the way you speak to yourself? Be kind to yourself. Pay attention to your internal dialogue. When you find yourself saying or thinking things like “Ugh, I’m so stupid” or “I’m so clumsy” – anything that is a negative or lack mindset counter that self- talk with something positive.
  2. I love myself deeply and fully – You need to love yourself. Love yourself and spread that love to everyone you meet. Don’t search for love in other people. Find love within you and watch all of the good that gravitates your way.
  3. I am radiant – This one is easy. No matter who you are you are radiant. Never forget!
  4. I deserve love and joy – You deserve all good things in this life. This includes love and joy.
  5. I am enough – Above all things you are already enough and you are great just the way you are. This is one of our most favorite affirmations. It is a go-to affirmation. When you are down and you don’t know what affirmation to use- use “I am enough”.

If you need more Self-Love inspiration check out the video below! Also, never forget you are perfect, you are enough, and you are loved 🙂

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