Full Moon July 2020

Full Moon’s are awesome and this Full Moon on July 4 (or 5 based on your location) is complemented by a Lunar Eclipse. Both of these energies will help you to go within and sort out what you need to do or what needs work through, in order to embody your highest good. It will be about deciding what you need to do and what you need to heal to get into alignment with your best self.

Full Moon In Capricorn

This is the first full moon after the Summer Solstice that took place in June. It is often called the Buck Full Moon because this time is considered the growing period for male deer antlers. Just as the antlers are growing so are you, as the energies of Capricorn are going to have you focused on personal growth and development. What will it take for you to reach your goals? There is an energy of determination and discipline. You may feel the need to stay in and really draw in more focus on personal progress. However, this Capricorn energy may give you an artificial sense of urgency. It might be easy to get overwhelmed. Remind yourself to take a step back and breathe. Grounding meditations will help. There is energy centered around figuring things out. It is ok to hunker down and retreat within if you feel called too, just don’t get stuck in your head, remembering everything in life is one step at a time.

Lunar Eclipse

This lunar eclipse with the full moon energy will have you facing what needs to be taken care of. Old wounds you have pushed away may come to the surface. You might have to deal with things you have been putting off. Some shadow healing will come into play.  This energy will feed into our desires personally and as a collective for truth. The lunar eclipses are wonderful for helping you release the baggage that you have been holding on to for way too long. Embrace this purge and the healing that comes after.

With the full moon in Capricorn, the eclipse may have this truth-seeking energy be in the area of life progress. You are going to understand more about what has been holding you back. It will be easier to see the forces standing in your way in your personal and professional lives=.  Embrace this hardworking energy. Step into your personal power. The energies at this time are facilitating finding your own truth as well and healing the need for outside approval.  Start trusting your inner values and see your personal strength.

To learn more about the Lunar Eclipse Gateway of 2020 and how to work with those energies, check out our post all about here 🙂

In closing, this may be an interesting time as we work through all of the energy that has been stirred up by the full moon and lunar eclipse. But, it is also a wonderful time to work through a lot of the things that have been impeding you and also come up with plans for your longterm growth. Embrace these hardworking, loving energies to help you embody your highest potential!


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