Triple Eclipse Gateway 2020

It is Eclipse Season 2020, also known as the Triple Eclipse Gateway. It is a great time of power, transformation, and growth. It is a time marked by breakthroughs and progress. This can be on a personal level as well as for the collective. It is a potent and magical period when we can create great shifts in your life for the better. 

What is Eclipse Season?

Eclipse seasons happen every six months and last for around thirty-six days. They occur in groups of two or three. Currently, we are working with the energy surrounding a Triple Eclipse and affectionately call is the Triple Eclipse Gateway. So, what is this “gateway” we are speaking of? Eclipse Gateways are the times in between each eclipse. There are specific, transformative energies that come into play all of the days between each. These energies often complement one another and facilitate drastic changes. We also will experience downloads, transmissions, boosts in intuition, and may even feel more connected to the divine during this time. 

June 5, 2020

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse

We start eclipse season on June 5th with a Full Moon in Sagittarius and a Lunar Eclipse. I call this time “Revolution Energy”. The revolution within and outside is officially powered up by this energy. We are going to see people wanting to get rid of old, outdated belief systems that have been holding us back. It is a time for really digging into ourselves and tossing out all of the baggage we have been carrying for way too long. There is a strong desire and need for change. Yes. 

During the gateway between June 5th and June 20th, we will be working with this healing energy of release and transformation. The theme is release and let go. We are pulling and dragging out all of the stuff toxic energies holding us back. Hidden truths come to the surface. You may find that you feel random bouts of tiredness – there is a lot of work going on. However, as we get closer to the Solar Eclipse you will feel lighter and more action-oriented. 

Starting June 5th there will be even more awakenings. Many will experience DNA and Light Activations. Do you feel like there is something you need to do or accomplish? Many will have visits from benevolent beings or even remember their pre-incarnation lives. Start a dream journal. Focus your thoughts on creating the highest timeline for yourself and the planet. 

June 20th

New Moon in Cancer, Summer Solstice & Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

O M G. This a really f**king magical time. The veil is thin. There is a lot of energy to work with and support us. Notice your emotions and the emotional healing that needs working through at the New Moon. There will be a focus on community as well as self and your connection within the world. How can you nurture the planet? What actions need to be taken to create the ideal self and ideal world?

Solar eclipse energy will be working all the way until the next Lunar eclipse on July 4th/5th. The sun is associated with action. The sun is the lifeforce of the planet. The lunar eclipse was clearing and now the solar eclipse is focused on implementation.  The Solar Eclipse is about drawing in things to your life that will help you embody your highest self. Go after what you want and who you want to become. You may feel a burst of energy and extremely inspired. Please act on your goals. 

On June 20th ancient stargates and celestial pathways open. Divine benevolent beings may intervene through embodiers. SO, this means they will work through those closest to us to support us. Do not overlook the advice and messages from others. If it resonates with you, it is probably meant for you. There will be shifts of consciousness even further. Some people call this upgrading into higher dimensional states. Shifting energetic flows start to overwrite inorganic distortions. If you feel weird, you are probably feeling these energetic shifts take place. 

July 4th

Full Moon in Capricorn & Lunar Eclipse

During this time you may feel a pull to help society and your view of the outside world may come under the microscope. What is just societal conditioning vs what is real? Lunar eclipse energies bring us back to the clearing and releasing. This time we are releasing outside judgments and the influence the outside world plays in the inner. You may look towards healing the need for approval. With the full moon in Capricorn combined with the eclipse, we will be identifying the forces that slow-down or block our professional and personal growth.  

As with the other eclipses, there will be activations and light codes. Many may experience energetic shifts as we increase the consciousness of ourselves and the planet. We are envisioning a better world for all. Keep your intentions for the best timelines and highest good to manifest. 

Eclipse energy is a time for amazing transformation and growth. It could feel exhausting and chaotic at times but, there is a lot of energetic work taking place. So, be gentle with yourself and do not resist the tides of progress. Flow with these energies. Allow the changes to manifest for your highest good. Celebrate the achievements you make during this time and the massive healing you experience. 

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