3 Things Blocking You From Raising Your Vibration

Raising your vibration will help you feel good and make manifesting positive experiences into your life easier. However, sometimes we can get stuck in a loop of certain emotions that make raising our vibration more difficult than it needs to be.  In today’s episode, we are chatting about the 3 things blocking us from vibrating higher. In addition, at the end of the episode, we also have distant reiki healing fo our listeners.

3 Things Blocking You From Vibrating Higher

1. Fear – Fear is powerful and it is also a very low vibration. This means if you are fearful you will make it really hard to lift your vibration unless you tap into this emotion and release it. It is easier to say than to do, so let’s discuss fear a little more. Fear is something that everyone experiences just like the other emotions. It looks out for our safety by putting us into survival mode. The thing is, you don’t always need to be fearful and you have to recognize when fear is holding you back. It convinces you that you are not capable of more. The biggest part that fear plays in our daily lives is fearing the outcome. We fear the “what if’s”. We create narratives in our heads of things that haven’t even happened and before we know it we are no longer taking actions that are for our highest good. We let fear hold us back. We let it control us. We allow it to make us feel an entire group of emotions that ultimately keep us vibrating low. The solution, release the fear. How? Look fear in the face and say not today.  Literally, as soon as you feel the fear creeping up you have to learn when it is a useful fear or when it is a fear holding you back.  If it is holding you back, let it go. Say f**k it. Replace any negative, fear-based thought patterns with a positive one and always stay in the present (we will talk about this more soon).

2. Worry – Worry is huge. Worry will invade every aspect of your mind if you let. However, when you worry you are living in the future. You are concerning yourself with events that have not taken place. Worry doesn’t help anyone and it doesn’t make things better. Worrying is not a solution to anything. All it does is cloud your mind, lower your vibration, and has the potential of triggering you into a loop of negative emotions. The best way to help yourself is to stop worrying. As with all of these topics we are discussing today, worry is a natural emotion. But, you have to be in control of your emotions. You have to take your power back.  Should you choose to let worry be in control or are you going to choose to do something more productive with that energy? My favorite quote about worry is:

“Worry doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.”

So, a tip to help with worry is to stay present. The past has already happened. What is done, is done and it is time to move on. The future has not happened yet. What you can control is in the now.


3. Doubt – Yup, doubt is a bitch. Doubt means you are not trusting yourself or your capabilities. It means that you do not have trust in the universe. When we doubt we are basically saying “I am not enough”. How can you vibrate higher if you don’t believe you are good enough? How can you have new and positive experiences if you doubt you can, doubt it will happen or doubt you should even try? All doubt does is get in the way.  Doubt makes you go off into your head thinking and believing stories that aren’t real. If you begin to doubt yourself, it’s time to say “nope” and replace the doubt with a more positive thought. It is just as easy to think of something bad as it is something good. We have just been conditioned to focus on the negative. Take your power back and choose to be sure of yourself, your dreams, and the things you want to do in this life.

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With light & love, thanks for visiting this blog post 🙂

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