7 Ways to Get More Mental Clarity

We have all been there. Our minds feel like they shrouded by a deep fog or we are so busy we don’t even know where to start. We want it all. We want to solve the problems fast, figure out what we want, or get it all done. Too many tasks, too tired, overwhelmed, or just not feeling all the way there. It happens to the best of us and can be very frustrating. This blog post is designed to help you get mental clarity so that you can feel more relaxed and productive.

To begin our post, take this moment for yourself. This is your time and now we want you to try to focus on the present. A good way to get clarity is to take a step back and slow down. Sometimes all you need is a moment to yourself and then suddenly you finally figure things out.  Below is a Reiki video. You can play this in the background while you read this article to really get the mental clarity energy flowing or you are welcome to meditate with it.

7 Ways to Get More Mental Clarity


  1. De-stress – Often the culprit of our mental fog can be stress-related. When we are flustered we get stressed out and create a cycle of getting stressed because we need mental clarity and then inhibiting our mental clarity with stress. Worry, fear, and stress never help anything, all they do is make the situation worse. Meditation is a great technique to help relax. Sometimes all you need is just 5 minutes to yourself to get grounded. Meditation also helps teaches you to focus and shift your awareness to the present.
  2. Make a To-Do list & Organize It – Make a list of what you need to do. I LOOOOOOVE lists. I use them all of the time because they help me not feel overwhelmed and when it is extremely gratifying checking items off. For this list write down everything that needs to be done. Sometimes depending on the circumstance, you can make categories like “home, work, personal development, etc.”.  I like to make my list one topic at a time. Once you do your mental dump essentially (and we will get to this in the next section) organize it. What are the things that are most important? The most important items are going to be the ones that are essentially due first. Yes, dishes are important but a work deadline may be more pressing. It is important to note that sometimes we get carried away in items on our list that are easy to finish but aren’t as important. Make sure to do the most important things first, always. Now – only focus on ONE item at a time.
  3. Mental Dump – Sometimes we don’t need clarity because we have too much to do. Sometimes we need clarity in a more subjective way. We may need clarity on a problem or situation as opposed to having too much stuff to do. Now, lists are important for this too but you are going to want to go about it differently. Do a mental dump, writing down everything on your mind about the subject. Once it is all written down you can visually organize yourself and gain clarity. Maybe you need clarity with your thoughts on a relationship. Write down how you feel and evaluate it. Do a pros and cons list. When we write things down it can change how we see the situation or help us detach emotionally – adding clarity.
  4. Exercise – This goes with taking time for yourself. Though we love traditional meditation, it can be hard for some people. Did you know you can meditate in motion? When we work out and only focus on the movement and what we are doing, we are in essence meditating. We are also taking a break from what is causing the brain fog and when we get back to it, we can feel like we are approaching the situation with new eyes. Physically it can help to oxygenate your brain.  Working out can affect the health of brain cells and the growth of new blood vessels. It also reduces stress and promotes sleep. All of these factors will help with gaining mental clarity.
  5. Do Not Multitask – By focusing on one task at a time you are less likely to feel overwhelmed. When all your attention is on one item, you are able to gain more clarity because you are not distracted worrying about the other stuff.
  6. Check Your Belly – When we are too full and especially too hungry it will distract our thinking. Sometimes when one may have the tendency to overeat or undereat when stressed. Stay full and hydrated so you aren’t focused on your belly.
  7. Sleep – This might be one of the most important items on our list.  I am useless when I am tired. I don’t believe that you are lazy when you sleep or if you need a nap. You are lazy if that is all you do- not because you need it. WE NEED SLEEP. It is important for our bodies and our brain function. Sleep. Rest. See what happens when your brain is at peak performance. How can you think clearly when all you want to do is sleep? You aren’t supposed to even drive when you are tired! Sometimes things that seemed stressful and unclear before bed suddenly seem so clear in the morning.

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