New Moon & Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

We love the energies around the moon cycles and how they can help us with our intentions, growth, and healing. New Moon energy is marked by fresh starts and new beginnings. This month we are still in a Triple Eclipse Gateways, so the New Moon in June will be complemented by a Ring of Fire Solar eclipse. It is energy ripe for manifesting and creation towards change needed for ourselves as well as the collective. 

New Moon in Cancer

The New Moon on June 20/21 of 2020 is in Cancer. During this period pay attention to the emotions, you may be experiencing and how you can grow on an emotional level. The connections that we have with those around us will also be a player at this time. Our home, friends, family, and our lifestyle as a whole will take center stage. Community will be in our awareness, thinking on how we can nurture the planet and people around us for the highest good of all. 

Below is a Reiki meditation to help support the energies surrounding this new moon. 

New Moon & Lunar Eclipse

This New Moon is unique because we see additional energies from the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse occurring at this time. We are currently in a Triple Eclipse Gateway, beginning with the Lunar Eclipse on the June 5th Full Moon. This is a season of three eclipses that will push for breakthroughs, progress, and transformation. 

Solar Eclipse Energy promotes extreme change, really facilitating us to go after our goals. It is a portal for massive growth and development. It can even feel like the process of growth is accelerated. Welcome the discoveries and progress that is happening. Solar eclipse energy is action-based energy. These energies may be intense, so be gentle with yourself if it feels like there is a lot going on. 

Our lunar eclipse from earlier in the month pulled things to the surface, helping us clear out the baggage that was holding us back. It was a time for deep healing and working through all of the things we had been resisting. Solar Eclipses draw things into our lives. It fills what we cleared with what we have been working to manifest. It is a high energy time supporting us in laying out plans for our dreams ahead. Sun energy in general is noted for pushing us towards productivity. So, use this connection to the sun and new moon to go after what you want and really align with your ambitions. Welcome this energy of growth. It is time to put our dreams into action. 

New Moon & Summer Solstice

Ok – we have been talking about a lot of energies happening at this time and we also want to discuss the additional energies of the summer solstice. Yes, this celebration is also happening on June 20/21. It is amazing. We love these magical periods. The summer solstice is a reminder to honor the earth. Honor ourselves and our connection to the planet and each other. It is a time of abundance, bounty, and celebrating the beauty all around us. Harness the energy of the sun, moon, & earth to refresh your body, mind, and soul.

To learn more about the Summer Solstice, check out our post all about it.

All of these energies can at times make the outside world seem chaotic. But, with the change, sometimes there are growing pains. With all energetic healing, there is a “healing crisis”. Be gentle with yourself and the collective. Go with the flow of growth and change. Use these powerful energies for crafting amazing intentions.  Know that this is a wonderful time for action towards the embodiment of the person you have always wanted to be. Let the fire be set within to work towards the progress you have always wanted to see in the world. 

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