Full Moon: Sept. 14, 2019 Harvest Moon

The full moon on September 13/ 14th, is also known as the Harvest Moon. It is us saying goodbye to the days of summer and ushering in fall. As the moon is in Pisces, a water sign, this may be a time when emotions come to the surface or you have stronger feelings than usual and it is important to be gentle with yourself. This moon also represents major transformation and change. Be open to these deep changes and the emotions that may come with them.

As energy workers, we love the energy of the moon. We have included a free distant reiki video to help support the energy of this full moon, as well as the personal growth and emotions that come with it. For this video, we like to tell people to sit in a comfortable position relax or meditate. Be open to receiving the energy. Take this time for you and bask in the energy around the full moon.

For more information on Reiki go here. 🙂

Want more Reiki that goes with the energy of the moon? Below is our Moon Phase, reiki infused candle. It is perfect for meditation during and around the phases of the moon. In addition, we have a monthly subscription for distant reiki healing sent out multiple times a month according to the moon phases. Learn more about it here.

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