How to Manifest Your Dreams

Today we wanted to talk about the idea of manifesting your dreams. As a child, we had big lofty goals and we didn’t think there was ever an option that they wouldn’t happen. As we got older, life started to hit us and through our experiences, societal conditioning, jobs, people we meet along the way and so on, we start to stop believing what we want can be a reality. But, guess what, it can happen. It can be real if you change your mindset and decide that you want it to happen, now.

This can be harder than it seems because you are working with years of built-up energy and beliefs that tell you you are either unworthy, not good enough, too old, not smart enough, too thick, too thin, too young, or whatever else may be going through your head in regards to what you want. None of this stuff is true. We talk ourselves out of our goals all of the time. Think of the power you have when you tell yourself you can’t do something – you proclaim it won’t work and what happens? – it doesn’t work. What if you switched that power to believe that it will work- speak that what you want is possible?

We often are the limit to our true strength and power. You are full of so much potential. When you realize that you have the power to destroy your goals or reach them you are limitless.

Before we get into our tips to help you start reaching your goals, below is a Reiki video about manifesting your dreams. Play this video in the background if you would like to help fill your space with the energy surrounding reaching your goals. 


How to Manifest Your Dreams

Manifesting is first and foremost all about changing your mindset and then taking action.  You’re thinking and beliefs about your goal are the most important thing. If you feel like you will be horrible at something you are sabotaging your efforts. As you learn, you won’t put forth the dedication and energy required and ultimately will give-up if you even get started. You have to go in knowing you can have, do, or be whatever you want. You have to clear out any beliefs that could hinder your growth and shift your mind to all that is possible. So- decide what you want, believe it is yours, and take action.

  1. You are not your past. – We often use our past experiences as references to why we are not able to do the things we want. You are a new person every single day. Stop filling yourself full of regret and living in the past. You can’t change what has already happened but you can change your future. Bring your focus to the present and to the person you want to be, keeping the end goal in mind.
  2. Set an intention with clarity. – Get clarity on what you want and why you want it. Having a clear goal that you are focused on will help you know exactly what steps you need to take to get there.
  3. Be true to yourself. – Why do you want what you want? If it is not in alignment with who you are and your true self it will be harder to manifest. This means, if it doesn’t make you feel good or happy when you think about it- you may want to reevaluate what you are going after. Do you want to write a book on turtles because you love turtles or because you want money? If you don’t enjoy writing about turtles it is going to be really difficult to do. Really put your attention onto what you really want and what will make you feel like you are living your truest version of self.
  4. Recognize your worth. – Now that you know what you want you to have to honestly believe that you are worthy of having what you desire. You have to let go of old feelings that you are not good enough or that you do not have what it takes. If you do not think you are worthy of your dreams you are setting a major roadblock in your way to achieving them. Seriously, spend time working on your self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of enough
  5. Change your beliefs. – Again, just like feeling like you are worthy you have to change your beliefs around the goal. Do you believe it will be hard to achieve? Change your beliefs to thinking it will be easy. Make sure you are in a headspace the promotes positive energy surrounding what you want.
  6. Feel like it is yours.- When you think about your goal also think about how you would feel if you achieved it. Know that not only can this dream be yours but that it is already yours. As soon as you thought of it, the universe has already started working in your favor, even if you can’t see it yet. The trick is to keep going, feeling, and knowing that you are achieving what you are going after.
  7. Affirmations. – AFFIRMATIONS! AFFIRMATION! I can’t say it loud enough. Honestly, this is one of the most vital tools to manifesting on our list. We say negative affirmations to ourselves all of the time without even knowing it. Have you ever jokingly said, “Ugh, I’m so stupid.”? That is a negative affirmation whether you meant it or not. The affirmations we use get stored in our subconscious mind and control our lives. Anytime you feel, think, say, or hear a negative affirmation say a positive one in its place. Say affirmations centered around what you want all day until you know them as your truth and then keep saying them. Use affirmations like “I am worthy” or “I am enough.” If you want success in business say “I am successful in everything I do”. Literally, you can make an affirmation out of anything. Use them when you meditate by making them your mantra. Say them in the morning and before you go to bed to set your day and your night. Seriously, you totally need to use them. They can keep you motivated and help you immensely in getting in the right mental place to achieve your dreams.
  8. Recognize the words you use. – Just like with affirmations, pay attention to the words you use. Are they negative when you speak of yourself or your goals? Turn them into a positive statement and eventually even if you don’t believe them at first you will.
  9. What and who do you surround yourself with? – Distance yourself from people who put you down. Avoid talking about your dreams if you know your friend will talk you out of them. Even better, hang out with people who support you and your goals.
  10. Be in control of your energy. – What you put out you get back. It is a universal law. When you are mean to others they are mean to you. Look for the good and try to stay positive so that you can draw in the type of energy you want from the universe.
  11. Visualization.- This goes back to feeling like your dreams are already yours. Sit and daydream about what you want. This will help you get clarity and create positive emotions surrounding your goals.
  12. Gratitude.  Be thankful for every achievement you make in the process. Thank the universe for everything you have. At one point you dreamed of having the job, apartment, friends, car,- whatever that you have now. No matter how small be thankful. This will help you see the good and raise your vibration. If you celebrate every tiny victory towards your dreams it will also support your knowing that you can have whatever you desire.
  13. Mindfulness – Mindfulness is a great tool to help manifest because it prompts you to be in the present. When you are in the present you are not letting your past define you and you are also not allowing fear of what could go wrong in the future haunt you. It is a great way to help you stay focused and lift your vibration at the moment.
  14. ACTION! – I know we talked a lot, like a lot, about getting in the correct headspace and energy for manifesting. Now that you believe in yourself, know you are worthy of your dreams, and completely motivated it is time to take massive action in the direction of your goals and absolutely no matter what never give up. Keep doing tips 1-13 to help keep you in a good headspace and never forget that you are capable and worthy of everything!



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