The Sacral Chakra: How to Tell If It’s Blocked & How to Fix It

The Sacral Chakra in Sanscrit translates to “one’s own dwelling”. It is associated with the emotional body, creativity, and sensuality. It is located in the lower abdomen below the navel. The sacral chakra empowers you to transform. When this chakra is balanced it connects you with your feelings allowing for passion, exploration, and promotes your inner creativity.

Signs Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked or Imbalanced 

Underactive: When the chakra is experiencing a block or disruption to the energy flow. 

  1. Lack of Desire – When your sacral is blocked you make feel less emotional. It can cause a decrease in desire and since this chakra is associated with sensuality – this can include physical desire as well.
  2. Uninspired – You do not feel creative.
  3. Fear of Pleasure – May feel shame in the things you find pleasurable. You may also have fears of the unknowns that are associated with your enjoyments – afraid to try new things.
  4. Detachment – You do not feel connected and may retreat from interactions with others.
  5. Insecurity  – You may doubt yourself and your abilities. It can manifest as insecurities with your appearance, as well as create issues associated with self-love & your place in this world.
  6. Issues with Sensuality – You may find it hard to express yourself sexually or lack confidence in feeling sexy.
  7. Non-authentic Self – When this chakra is blocked you have a difficult time being true to yourself and your wants. Your insecurities may cause you to doubt your greatness.

Overactive: When your chakra is distributing too much energy causing the chakra to be imbalanced. 

  1. Emotional – A overactive sacral chakra can cause you to experience emotions more deeply and be prone to mood swings.
  2. Aggressive – Your emotions are in overdrive causing aggressive tendencies and conflict.
  3. Excess Emotional Attachment – When your sacral chakra is overactive it is easy to become very emotionally attached to people and situations.
  4. Addictive Behavior – A overactive sacral chakra can create addictive behaviors caused by emotional attachment and sensitivities.
  5. Codependency – You are prone to unhealthy relationships and can become codependent very easily.

How to Balance the Sacral Chakra

  1. Reiki– As Reiki Masters, we love this technique for balancing the sacral chakra. Above is a free distant session. All you need to do is relax and be open to receiving. For more information on Reiki, learn about it here.
  2. Meditation – Sit or lay in a comfortable position. Focus your attention on your sacral chakra and envision an orange glowing light in that location.  Allow this light to expand and feel the warmth of it in your sacral. Meditatie in this feeling for several minutes until you intuitively feel to stop.
  3. Yoga – Frog, Goddess, and Pigeon pose are great
  4. Affirmations – Repeat affirmations to yourself as needed or use during meditation as a mantra. Try: “I am passionate.” or  “I am open to the flow of creativity”
  5. Crystals – Meditate with a crystal and/or carry on you throughout the day.  Great crystals for the sacral chakra are citrine, moonstone, or carnelian.
  6. Essential Oils – Sandalwood, cinnamon bark, and clary sage work wonders. Wear them by applying to your sacral chakra or use in a diffuser. Great for use during meditation as well.
  7. Physical Activity 
  8. Creative Expression – Do art, read, or do something that allows you to express your creativity. Be sure to do something you enjoy.


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