Rules For Self-Love

This post is all about self-love. Self-love is where you find your power. When you love yourself you don’t accept the things that hold you back and drag you down. When you practice self-love you will find yourself feeling good and when you feel good about yourself you are unstoppable. SO- here is a list of our rules for practicing self-love.

Forgive – Forgiveness allows you to move on to better pastures. There are two people who you should forgive on your path to self-love. Forgive people who have wronged you not because you have accepted whatever thing they did to you but so you can release the negative energy that you are holding inside of you. Negative feelings for others is like a poison. What better way to get over someone who has wronged you then to move on without even a blip of them in your thoughts? With forgiveness, you allow yourself freedom. The second person you absolutely have to forgive is yourself. Literally, forgive yourself for the things you did, for the past, and for the things you may not like about yourself. By doing this you are making room to fill those spaces with self-love.

Let Go – It is simple. Let go of anything that doesn’t make you happy. Let go of fear and doubt that have been holding you back. Let go of negative people and situations. Release anything that keeps you from being the best version of yourself.

Speak Love – Speak love to everyone you meet. Look for the good in people instead of focusing on all of the darkness in the world. However, most importantly, SPEAK LOVE TO YOURSELF. Talk to yourself the way you talk to someone you love. Compliment yourself all day. Wake-up and tell yourself you are beautiful. Say “I Love You”. Be your own best friend.

Gratitude – Be thankful. Thank everything, all day. When something good happens to you say “thank you”. Make a list of all of the things you like about yourself and your life and be thankful for it all. When you start practicing gratitude it does wonders for your mood because you realize how awesome your life really is.

Self-care – You absolutely have to take time for yourself. In our society, we praise the idea of working to the bone with no care about our well being. If you do not take good care of yourself how can you care for others or perform your job to the fullest? Make time for yourself. Figure out what you love to do and do it. Allow yourself time to relax. Take care of yourself, period.

Connection – Realise that we are all interconnected. When did we lose connection with ourselves and the planet? The world is not out to get you. Allow yourself to feel closer to the earth and the people around you. Everyone feels joy and pain. Appreciate the people in your life and look in amazement at the plants and trees. We live on a beautiful planet that you are apart of.

Patience – Rush, rush, rush. We need everything now. Practice patience and understanding. Be patient with yourself. You are doing the best you can. Take a moment to look at how far you have come. Everyone has their own journey. Do your journey on your terms and in your time.

Live in The Now – The past has already happened and it cannot be changed. The future hasn’t happened yet at all. Why are we stressing about things that have already taken place? Why are we giving energy to things that haven’t even happened? Focus, on the place you are at now because guess what, you have full control of the now.

Surround Yourself with Good – Stick with people who make you feel good about yourself. Surround yourself with things that make you happy. Do the things you love as often as you can.

Take Back Your Power – You are in complete control of your life. Decide who you are and what you want to be and be that person. The only limitations we set are the ones we set on ourselves. Tell yourself how awesome you are and believe it.


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