Life Update: New Book, New Prints, and Fall Candles!

We have been super, super busy this past couple of weeks with some major site updates and new announcements. We have been slacking in the blogging department and thought we would share with you all that has been going on.

The goal of all of our recent updates is to make things a bit more streamlined and easier to navigate. We are also trying to get rid of some of the fluff and really buckle down on the mission of our site. We are creators with the main goal to make people happy! That being said, here are some details on new and ongoing projects. We will have a blog post detailing each one separately- today we just wanted to touch base.

We Are Printing…Again…

Back in the day, we used to make and print shirts. We used to do shows and even set up shop at one of the Warped Tours. We would also sell our tops on various sites,  including Nylon. Then- we took a break and dabbled with printed goods here and there. Now, we are reintroducing ED Productions and have posted lots of cool tops just in time for sweater season.  That means we will be moving all of our printed apparel to one shop under ED Productions in the next passing weeks. You can check out the store Here

Fall Candles

We love the fall and everything associated with it. From haunted houses to sweaters and everything in between. We also cannot get over fall scents and are pumped to have released our fall candles (we make those). They are 100% soy and vegan. They also smell really good. So, if you like pumpkin, zombies, and fall spice check them out Here

The Store In General

In the next couple of weeks, we are switching store hosts and letting Storenvy be in charge of our wares.  It is a fast and reliable shopping service that will make navigating our products faster and easier. Who wants ads and a bunch of fluff when you are just trying to look at a candle?

Enough with the goods – Now on to our projects

Weird Wednesday with Etta Arlene – Our Paranormal Podcast

Halloween is fast approaching and did we mention? It is our favorite time of the year! This fall we are preparing lots of fun paranormal surprises and if you watch us on Youtube- you might even get a chance to meet some new characters. We are also extra excited to introduce our Twitter account dedicated to the podcast and all things weird. Follow us  @wednesday_weird.

Art & The Book

We have saved the best for last! A large part of our blog and what we do revolves around spreading good energy. Every week we try to do at least one motivational blog article and are entire Twitter is dedicated to it. We also love art. That being said we have created a book, rather what we like to call an art piece. This is because we are not telling a story. The book is about you and it is not supposed to be merely read, it is supposed to be felt. We have a new section on our site titled “Art” that will house our artistic endeavors. If you would like to find out more about our book find it Here.

The piece revolves around self-love and will be available on Amazon and Kindle. BUT for now, to express gratitude we are offering a Free version, one ebook and one printable. You can find them below. After you sign up, you will be notified when the Official copy is released in September.

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