Beginners Guide to a Fall Capsule Wardrobe

Capsule wardrobes are amazing. They are a huge time and money saver as well as great for the environment because you aren’t constantly buying and getting rid of pieces you never wear.  A capsule wardrobe essentially condenses your closet to key pieces that you love, look great in, and will actually wear. Think about it, how many people have closets and drawers full of clothes but nothing to put on? When you actually sit for a second and think about what you wear you might find that you wear the same things all of the time despite having a closet full of a diverse array of items. So, what we are doing with a capsule wardrobe is essentially getting rid of all of the fluff you don’t wear and focusing on getting quality items you can mix and match that you will want to wear all of the time.

There are a lot of techniques for forming your capsule wardrobe, however today we are focusing on just starting. We have broken it down into five steps when beginning your capsule wardrobe with the focus on fall.

1. Figure Out What Fall Means To You

Fall is an in-between season like spring so depending on where you live this may mean different things for different people. Some parts of the country have more of a winter for fall and the opposite.  You don’t want to get in a habit of buying traditional fall clothing just because it’s fall. Think about what you wear when it is fall. Do you still wear a ton of short sleeved tops? Why buy sweaters (or keep a bunch) if you don’t need them. The idea of getting cozy with apple cider near a fireplace in a soft sweater because it’s finally sweater weather is great but, if you run hot that is just another item that will be hanging in your closet in the off chance that you may need it. The same can be said if you only find yourself in long sleeves for the fall. Combine fall and winter and scrap getting the “in between” clothes.

2. Pick Your Color Palette

This one was easy for us. We love black. That being said buying something that isn’t black will probably end up in the closet for good, despite how fashionable it may be. So, think about the colors you like to wear. Remember that this is what your wardrobe will be made up mostly of. Neutral colors tend to work well when composing a capsule wardrobe. Though, if yellow is your color – do you.

3. Buy Clothing That You Will Actually Wear & Accommodate Your Lifestyle

Ok, this is huge. In fashion, there are always these beautiful trends that are so awesome and then boom, they are not awesome anymore. Buying classic clothing styles will help eliminate the constant turn around and keep your closet from getting piled up with that crazy glitter thing that was popular last summer, though would look crazy if you wore it this year. In this vane, you want to get things that you will want to wear and are comfortable wearing. Our mother hates having her arms out. So, when she wants to buy a sleeveless top because it looks pretty we always push her away. Sure, it might be cute but in all honesty, she would never wear it. Ask yourself this everytime you go to buy something new. Next, buy clothes that fit your lifestyle. If you barely have time to wear jeans you don’t need 12 pairs. You might buy something that you absolutely love in the fitting room only if it doesn’t fit your lifestyle it will end up in the closet just taking up space.

4. Scrap the “Fall Haul” Idea

Unless all of your clothing has been destroyed there is no reason to get rid of everything and buy a bunch of new stuff. Clothing waste is a real problem. Also, buying everything new if you don’t have to is a serious waste of money.  We aren’t saying don’t get rid of your clothes, just buy new clothes and then pile it up. We are talking about consciously sorting through your shit.  If it doesn’t fit, is damaged, is dated, automatically put it in the donation bin (or trash if it is destroyed). Once that is done, sort through what you like and what you don’t like. Then, only keep what you will actually wear. We know you have items that you already love and wear all of the time. Keep those and get rid of the unnecessary crap.

5. Fall In Love With Your Personal Style

The easiest way to figure out your personal style is to reflect on what you find yourself wearing all of the time. Think about what you feel the most comfortable and fashionable in. You need to feel this way everytime you get dressed. When you look good you feel good and when you feel good you can take on the world!

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