Our Book Recommendations


Want to discover more about spirituality? Our library is a great place to start on your path. We have broken these books down by category to make it easier to find topics you are interested in exploring further.  They are all books that we love or have been recommended by the guests on our podcast.  Keep in mind there are tons of books on all of these subjects. Use this list as a jumping-off point. If you enjoy our recommendations, we invite you to investigate the subjects. Even better, be open to finding teachers and mentors who are advanced on the topic of interest to learn even more from.

We also invite our readers to suggest their favorite books. If you would like to see a book on this list – let us know! This list is constantly changing and expanding.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction has become very popular these days and for good reason. Understanding The Law of Attraction changes people’s lives. We like to think of it as the introduction to spiritual development for a lot of people. The Law of Attraction teaches us how to use our energy for the best potential outcomes for our lives. With the Law of Attraction, we are introduced to concepts associated with mindfulness, meditation, intentions, and affirmations. The core message with the Law of Attraction is that you are capable and deserve the life of your dreams. For this, the Law of Attraction is often the bases for most well-known self-help books.


Spiritual Growth & Development

Ok, so Spiritual Growth and Development is a very wide net. There are so many different topics and subjects that relate to spiritual development. That being said, we tried to select a wide range of books to be a starting point on your path. If you like one of the Zen books listed – take a deep dive and read as much as you can about it. If you are in love with learning about the power of accessing the Akashic Records, don’t stop at Ernesto’s book! Take a class by him and read as much as you can about it.



Let’s get witchy! If you have decided you want to discover magick, we recommend picking a topic you like and learning as much as you can about it. There are so many types revolving around developing magickal practice and trust me, this list doesn’t even scratch the surface. These are fun reads if you are looking to explore your journey more. As with all of our recommendations, if you pick one you like – run with it. Find a reputable teacher in the craft. Connect with others in the community. Look for more books and never stop learning.

For this section, we ask that you be respectful of where some of these magickal practices come from and really get into the history.  Our Hoodoo books were recommended by a qualified practitioner and we would love more recommendations from other practitioners on any variety of magick 🙂





Tarot & Oracle

These are great starter books and decks to help you begin learning to read cards. The decks listed are a few of our favorites. If they do not call you – search for one that does. We connect with our cards and learning materials, so be sure to pick one that really feels like it is for you. In addition, if you are new to reading, look for decks that have imagery and words to help make the process easier. The images and words can help trigger our intuition.



www.arthistorytarot.com is our resource for learning tarot and expanding your knowledge of the practice. It is the companion site to our tarot workshops. Our workshop The Art of Tarot teaches the history and symbolism of the artwork of tarot. It also helps launch the tarot journey following the three main tarot traditions and information on some of the newer ones. There are downloadable quick guides, suggested lectures, and book recommendations. If you love tarot, this website is for you, and keep an eye out for our in-person classes at magick shops in the Pittsburgh area.

Astrology & Numerology

We get a lot of questions about astrology, numerology, and angel numbers. This list is a great jumping-off point if you are looking to explore one of these arts. We suggest picking a book and subject that calls to you. If you enjoy the read, take a deep dive into the topic even more.



The world of crystals is amazing. Crystals have been used all the way back to ancient times for their spiritual, protective, and healing qualities. These books are wonderful for learning or expanding your knowledge of the amazing power of crystals.